Meet the Interns- Sam Brock

I'm Sam Brock, I'm currently a history and education major at Bryan College in Tennessee and I'm the math tutor for 5th, 7th, and 8th graders at Hope for Opelousas this Summer. It's been an interesting ride to teach math, but with a lot of help from the great men and women at HFO, I got into the groove rather quickly. Most of my plans for this summer are to help the 7th and 8th graders prepare for early algebra and get the ones that are a little behind back on track as well as to help them brush up on math skills they have already learned. The 5th graders are an incredibly bright group of kids that are going to review skills learned in fourth grade, and I plan to throw a few new fraction based equations at them as well. For both Junior High and Elementary students, the goal is to get them as prepared as possible during the summer for their next year of schooling, and Hope for Opelousas is an organization that excels with tutoring and helping these children to catch up and excel in the areas that they struggle with. After the summer, I plan to finish my degree in History and begin applying for jobs across the South to teach in a rural school. I grew up going to a low income rural school and I have seen how much they need good teachers as well and I aim to educate as many children as I can.


Kristina Anderson