Forty 4th through 8th graders and 25 high school students participate in our after school program each year. The two main emphasis of our work are Education and Enrichment. 

The most loving thing we can do for our students is prepare them academically. Many of our students by the forth grade are at least 2 grade levels behind in math and reading. The difficult task we face is attempting to help our students succeed in their current courses while helping them move towards grade level in these areas.

To accomplish this our time with students focuses academically on math and reading remediation and homework help. Discipline and goal setting, along with parent/teacher meetings and weekly bible studies give our students the well-rounded exposure they need to succeed. 

My favorite way to help others is to help them with their homework, help them study, help friends in need (for example, helping them to the nurses office).
— Keslynn, 5th grader, South Street Elementary & Hope on the Hill Tutoring Program Participant


To better understand how we are helping our students, we track  individual data such as this below: 
