Click here to view our most recent Report Card - showing the results and updates of the programs listed below.
Forty 4th – 8th graders and 25 high school students participate in our after school program each year. Our time with students focuses academically on math and reading remediation as well as homework help. Enrichments include parent/teacher meetings, weekly bible studies, fun field trips and lots of basketball! Read more...
HFO’s creative way to provide consistent staffing while impacting High School students is called “Agents of Hope.” Each year, 10 high school students are hired as paid interns. Three days a week, the Agents tutor and mentor younger students, and one day a week they participate in college and life skills preparation. Read more...
‘Hope on the Hill’ students get to experience field trips geared towards rewarding their hard work, providing fantastic life experiences, and having plenty of fun! Some of our favorite destinations for these trips have included The Insectarium and Audubon Zoo in New Orleans, LSU football games, and Six Flags in Dallas. Read more...
What good can come from Opelousas? Well, we aren’t the only ones who believe there is something special going on in our city. Our Summer Interns, Grace Corps and Mission Teams provide the opportunity for people to come and experience how “Love Changes Everything” firsthand. Read more...
Part of creating a community where our Kids can learn and grow means that we support more than just the kids themselves. Our ministries provide an opportunity for Hope for Opelousas to be a community partner to the families and community at-large through bible studies, 12-step programs, and Hope for Recovery. Read more...