Westminster's Day of Service, 5th Grade Class
Recently we had a fifth grade class from Westminster Christian Academy come serve with us for half a day. We had nearly 20 kids and a few adults here ready to work. That age group is so fun to work with. They got here and they were excited about helping out. So after a brief overview of HFO they split up into teams and started digging, hauling dirt, planting, and drilling. That’s right we put them to work out in the hot sun. We were building raised-bed vegetable gardens for five of our neighborhood families. The Opelousas Lighthouse Mission had been selling seedlings that they had begun growing in their new greenhouse. The greenhouse was built to aid in their organic garden project. They were able to donate some leftover seedlings to us for our raised-beds. The kids really knocked it all out in just a few hours. By lunch time we had five newly planted gardens in our neighborhood. These gardens will produce tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and watermelon for the families. Many thanks to the fifth grade class at Westminster. We enjoyed having you on the Hill.