Stories From Camp: Nadine-

KAA was my first camp experience outside of camping in a cabin with my youth group. It was a wonderful experience and I hope it is not my last. KAA was very Christ centered. He was the focus of all that we did.


This camp was also focused on having the heart and mind of a servant. At meal times we were supposed to serve others and let others serve us. This was a neat thing to partake in. There was a lady who filled our glasses full of ice every meal. I would walk into the dining room and she would have the ice bucket filling everybody’s glasses. So it was a real pleasure for me to be able to serve her at the end of the week. When it was time for us to pack up and go I was able to carry her luggage up the hill for her. She was grateful but I don’t know if she knew how grateful I was for her.

Other than the time during my spring service projects I hadn’t spent much time with the kids. This was my first experience with just them and me. And man oh man was it good. The camp had it set up so we would meet with our kids every other day for about an hour. The first day was a little difficult because we didn’t know each other all that well, but by the end of the week things were grand and the kids were finally opening up to me. The hugs I got during that week I will cherish all my life. Along with this being my first time with the kids by myself this was also one of the first times I was in a leadership role with that many kids. I had 10 kids that were under my care. It was my responsibility to meet with their counselors and just make sure everything was running smoothly. It was a little frightening at first but I felt confident before it was all said and done.

Overall this was a fantastic learning experience for me! I had an awesome time with the kids and a wonderful time with the ladies in my cabin. God was working in so many ways that week. It was nice to get away from all the troubles in this world, and be refreshed by people that love God. I can’t wait to see how God is going to use that week in the kids this summer.

-Nadine Lundgren Summer Intern