Reflections: Northwestern College Mission Team (Angie Gornik)
This past week Hope for Opelousas welcomed its 7th mission team from Northwestern College in Orange City, IA. The team scraped and painted a house in the neighborhood. Many of them were able to go into local schools and assist teachers and help the students prepare for the upcoming Leap Test. They also planned and put on a Lock-In for the HFO kids on Monday night. If there was a way they could serve they jumped at it with energy and a smiling face, encouraging many people around the city. We asked them to reflect on their time here and we would like to share some of their responses. Meet Angie....
"The time I spent here was unreal and life changing. I cannot thank you all enough for the experience. Upon deciding to come down here over my spring break I thought I had a handle on how to work, serve, and love kids. I think I learned so much more from these kids than I could ever teach them. Over and over again I was shown unconditional love. It is unreal to see the support HFO receives from the community and that comes from mission teams. I felt that more was done for me here than I was able to do for those here. You guys are doing amazing, wonderful, and beautiful things that are so incredibly respectable. Thank you for everything you do for these kids and that you have done for me! Love you all!"
Angie Gornik, Northwestern College Freshman