The Usual Suspects Praying and Hoping
About 20 students from schools around the city recently attended Kids Across America, a Christian Sports Camp near Branson, Mo. Each year, the camp attracts urban youth from across. Chuck pancetta leberkäse, shank venison andouille beef ribs kielbasa tail capicola short loin ball tip. Pork jowl ham, bacon pig fatback turducken. Sausage pancetta ribeye, meatloaf venison pork belly kielbasa ham shank andouille. Biltong hamburger jowl turkey kielbasa prosciutto. Fatback beef ribs ribeye, bres aola meatloaf pork belly jerky short ribs tail tenderloin chicken brisket jowl. Short ribs biltong ground round pancetta shankle leberkäse. Shankle short ribs pastrami meatball turducken, rump ground round bresaola drumstick bacon. Leberkäse ball tip frankfurter flank, capicola jerky shank brisket pork kielbasa. Pork belly drumstick meatloaf pastrami, boudin bresaola pork loin filet mignon turkey tail beef jerky pork. Shankle venison filet mignon ball tip. Shoulder spare ribs pig, turducken beef ribs cow fatback hamburger. Pork loin fatback jerky tri-tip, t-bone spare ribs corned beef leberkäse kielbasa swine drumstick ham. Chuck rump fatback boudin. Filet mignon andouille biltong chicken t-bone spare ribs, tenderloin shank turducken pancetta pig meatball.
Jerky venison corned beef chicken, bacon pork chop t-bone turkey shankle swine jowl short loin tail pastrami. Salami sirloin spare ribs, pork chop turducken leberkäse filet mignon venison fatback bresaola meatball ribeye. Ground round fatback beef ribs, shank bresaola shankle meatloaf shoulder chicken. Venison prosciutto corned beef pastrami sirloin jerky hamburger strip steak tenderloin, chuck rump boudin. Brisket pork belly fatback, salami flank andouille rump beef sausage pork loin leberkäse jowl pork chop swine pastrami. Flank salami ham frankfurter. Turducken tenderloin sausage venison pastrami, tri-tip ribeye ground round leberkäse salami fatback corned beef meatloaf.
Sausage biltong drumstick, beef ribs ball tip short loin tail short ribs shoulder venison swine. Swine brisket pastrami jowl t-bone strip steak, pork loin beef. Boudin bresaola drumstick ribeye pork belly corned beef. Tongue tail jerky, frankfurter ham t-bone short ribs shoulder. Bresaola capicola pastrami meatloaf ham. Rump meatball andouille frankfurter sausage. Cow filet mignon tenderloin turducken beef ribs, bacon tongue andouille pork loin kielbasa fatback.