Greta HFO Part 2

I felt so blessed to be able to return to Opelousas for a second spring break!


The kids all remembered me, and it made my heart so happy to hear them yell "Miss Greta came back! Miss Greta's back!" when I climbed out of the van the first day. God's light just shines through the kids' little smiling faces. My little buddy Jasmine's front teeth have grown in (she was missing all her front teeth last year) and she has become a wiz at puzzles. Candice was pretty shy last year towards us at age 3, but now that she is 4, she was so excited to tell me all about the tiara she was wearing on her head. It was wonderful to be welcomed back by the kids, and their hope and energy always amazes me!

We did lots of physical work-we built a greenhouse, did deep-cleaning at the New Life Shelter, built bunk beds, helped assemble playground equipment at South Street Elementary and cleaned and gutted out a house in the neighborhood. We also coordinated a "A Night on the Town" event for local high-school students where we slept in cardboard boxes with them to raise homelessness awareness.

Needless to say, it was another amazing trip, full of lots of hard work, love, shared laughter and encouragement, and a reminder that God truly is at work in Opelousas. Yes, our team worked hard and showed love while we were there, but nothing quite says love as much as little Jasmine jumping into your arms for one last hug.
