Jonathan Fisher | Jr. High Director


​Jonathan serves as the Elementary Director for Hope for Opelousas. After admiring HFO and its work as a member of the Opelousas community, Jonathan was excited to join the team in 2013.

Jonathan is a ULL graduate and an avid outdoorsman. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his son Bennett.

In his role as Elementary Director, Jonathan ensures that HFO is as effective as possible in impacting the lives of elementary-aged children. From ensuring the facilities are in tip top shape, to keeping a watchful eye on each student’s progress, Jonathan makes it his mission to help children reach their fullest potential in life.

Jonathan’s very own Hope for Opelousas, in his own words:

“I wish to help them believe that they have a future. I want them to realize that they can become someone, that they can become a doctor, lawyer, police officer, or whoever they choose to be. They need to realize that while it won't be easy, it will be worth it!”